Warnings against the use of immigrants as political tools
Belarus accuses Poland of using violence against migrants to keep them away from Europe

Belarus accused Poland of using “violence and abuse” on their common border to deport migrants trying to enter the European Union through its territory, while Poland confirms that Russian and Belarusian special services are “organizing the crossings of migrants” to its borders, amid warnings from activists that migrants are being used as tools in the escalating political conflict regarding Ukraine.

Belarusian border forces said in a statement on Monday, September 11, that Polish guards repeatedly use “violence and abuse” by firing warning shots and using tear gas to keep away migrants trying to enter the European Union through their borders from Belarus.

“Recently, there were several cases in which Polish soldiers took foreigners to the fence on the border with Belarus and then forced them out through the animal gate,” the statement said.

“At the same time, in order to intimidate people, Polish law enforcement officials pointed their weapons at the refugees and fired several shots over their heads.” According to the “InfoMigrants” website.

In contrast, Warsaw, a member of NATO and a staunch ally of Ukraine, recently expressed concern about the infiltration of Russian mercenaries to Belarus after their failed rebellion in June. Relations between the two countries became complicated, especially after the Belarusian president allowed Russia to use his country to attack Ukraine.

The Polish Border Guard announced on the “X” platform (formerly Twitter) on Friday, September 8, the arrest of 66 migrants, from Ethiopia, Syria and Iran, on the border coming from Belarus, and accused the Belarusian border service of helping them cross the border.

Activists say the migrants – many of whom are young men, women and children – are being used as pawns in a political game between Belarus and its neighbours.

Poland had transferred military troops from the west of the country to the east, as a precautionary measure to secure its borders, while Russia warned of Warsaw’s efforts to assemble an alliance under the umbrella of NATO and make a direct intervention in Ukraine to seize its western regions.

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