German Employment Agency: 10% unemployment rate among refugees in Berlin… The Greens: Government failure

The Federal Employment Agency indicated that the unemployment rate among refugees in the German capital, Berlin, has increased to approximately 10%, at a time when Germany is suffering from a labor shortage, which the Green Party considered a “governmental failure” par excellence. According to the agency’s regional data on employment in the context of refugee…


Germany: A new citizenship law that reduces the period of required residency and allows dual citizenship awaits parliamentary approval

In an interesting development, the German Cabinet approved a new draft law to facilitate the naturalization process by reducing the required bureaucratic procedures, and finally allowing dual citizenship. The law still needs Parliament’s approval to enter into force. Under the law, which was approved by the federal government on Wednesday, August 23, foreign persons who…


German Interior Minister proposes the deporting of clan members in violation of the law! A categorical rejection of the Green Party

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser of the Social Democratic Party proposed deporting members of “criminal” Arab clans even without committing a crime, which sparked widespread controversy in human rights circles. The draft paper notes that “members of organized crime communities” can lose their right to residency “regardless if they have a criminal conviction.” A spokesman…
