Ireland: Integration Minister Accuses PM of Spreading Misinformation on Asylum Seekers and Rising Homelessness

Roderic O’Gorman, Ireland’s Minister for Integration, has accused Prime Minister Simon Harris of being misleading in his statements linking the rise in asylum seekers to the increase in homelessness. O’Gorman urged the Prime Minister to present the facts, emphasizing that the public deserves accurate information on both immigration and homelessness. Harris has faced significant criticism…


Deutschland: Der Ministerpräsident von Brandenburg kritisiert die Gewährung des Bürgergelds an ukrainische Flüchtlinge

Brandenburgs Ministerpräsident Dietmar Woidke hat die fortgesetzte Gewährung des Bürgergeldes für ukrainische Flüchtlinge kritisiert. Woidke ist der Meinung, dass die Erhöhung des Bürgergeldes die Integration der Ukrainer in den Arbeitsmarkt behindert. „Damals war die Entscheidung richtig, weil wir schnell helfen mussten. Heute müssen wir uns fragen, ob diese Art der Unterstützung noch zeitgemäß ist“, so…


Germany: Ukrainian Refugees’ Access to Citizen’s Allowance Slammed

Several German politicians have criticized the decision to extend citizen’s allowances to Ukrainian refugees following the federal government’s recent move to prolong these benefits until 2026. Michael Stübgen, Interior Minister of Brandenburg State from the CDU, described the extension as a mistake. Meanwhile, Joachim Herrmann, Bavaria’s Interior Minister, voiced concerns about providing citizen’s allowances to…


Foreign doctors suffer from German bureaucracy problems.

Germany faces a significant shortage of doctors, both in clinics and communities, and is working to fill this gap by welcoming foreign doctors, particularly from Syria, Turkey, and Ukraine. However, foreign doctors encounter many obstacles that need to be overcome before they can be assigned to care centers or clinics. According to the German news…
