UK Unveils New Immigration Strategy Following Cancellation of Rwanda Deportation Plans Prime Minister Starmer has unveiled a new migration strategy that focuses on addressing the root causes of migration. Under this strategy, the government will invest GBP 84 million in projects across Africa aimed at tackling the underlying factors driving migration. This funding will support initiatives in job creation, education, and humanitarian aid. Additionally, the policy includes enhanced cooperation with European countries to implement practical measures and combat smuggling networks. However, Starmer has not excluded the possibility of processing asylum claims abroad. “I am a pragmatist, and I have always stated that we will evaluate effective approaches, including the option of processing cases closer to their origin,” Starmer remarked. Additionally, he announced new initiatives in collaboration with Slovakia and Slovenia to combat smuggling gangs and the establishment of a new command to bolster border security in Britain. The Labour Party’s program links immigration policy with skills training. The party has decided to establish a new body, “Skills England,” to address the skills gap and reduce the need for foreign recruitment. The body will work with immigration experts to develop training plans across various sectors to provide job opportunities for local workers. The new immigration policy was announced following the cancellation of the 2022 agreement with Rwanda. This agreement sought to deport refugees arriving in the United Kingdom by boat to Eastern European countries for processing their asylum claims and allowing them to stay there. Critics condemned the deal as impractical and unlawful. Human rights organizations challenged the agreement in court, and the Supreme Court deemed it illegal, citing that Rwanda is an unsafe country and that deporting refugees there would endanger their safety. New Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, a leading critic of the Rwanda agreement, has predicted that the number of small boat crossings will continue to increase during the warmer summer months. She emphasized the urgent need for substantial efforts to address human smuggling at its source. According to official figures, 1,500 migrants arrived in the UK via the English Channel in the past week. Additionally, the French border guard conducted three rescue operations in the last two weeks, which unfortunately resulted in fatalities.

Prime Minister Starmer has unveiled a new migration strategy that focuses on addressing the root causes of migration. Under this strategy, the government will invest GBP 84 million in projects across Africa aimed at tackling the underlying factors driving migration. This funding will support initiatives in job creation, education, and humanitarian aid. Additionally, the policy…


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