It may lead to improving their conditions… seeking to sign a new refugee agreement between Turkey and Greece under German sponsorship

Greek migration Minister Dimitris Kairidis said that a new refugee agreement should be concluded between Turkey and the European Union, under German sponsorship, given Berlin’s distinguished relations with Ankara.

Kairidis explained in press statements that the refugee agreement must be under Berlin’s leadership, adding: “We protect our northern borders as much as we can.” “However, we need to work on the source of the problem, the main source of which is Turkey. Germany’s weight here is truly great and important.”

The minister told the German newspaper “Bild” that Germany enjoys close and multifaceted relations with Turkey, and that Turkish nationals living in Europe listen to Berlin instead of other capitals.

Kairidis stressed that they want Turkey to use Berlin’s influence for the benefit of all to negotiate an honest agreement that attempts to rebuild its relations with the West and Europe.

The minister also pointed out that Turkey is a major country in irregular migration because it controls the migrant route in the eastern Mediterranean, stressing the need to engage in a new agreement.

Kairidis continued: “We want to develop better cooperation with Turkey, especially regarding immigration.” “I believe that together we will fight better against illegal immigration.”

Kairidis also said that the agreement signed between Turkey and the European Union in 2016, which aims to combat illegal immigration, was not adhered to by Turkey.

A Turkish diplomat said last January that the refugee issue in general requires a new agreement between Turkey and Greece sponsored by the European Union, indicating that without this agreement there will be major problems between Ankara and Athens.

The Turkish diplomat stressed that “the staying of Syrian refugees in Turkey will keep the refugee issue with Greece on the table as a source of disagreement with it,” noting that “there are refugees from other countries such as Afghanistan who also have a negative impact on Turkish-Greek relations.”

He pointed out that “the refugee portfolio in general requires a new agreement between Turkey and Greece under the auspices of the European Union,” considering that “without this agreement, there will be major problems between Ankara and Athens.”

Last January, in an attempt to stop the flow of refugees into its territory, the Greek authorities began building a new steel fence on the banks of the Maritsa River, which is located on the Turkish-Greek border.

It is worth noting that the number of migrants trying to reach Greece from Turkey has risen sharply, with more than 400 people arrested during the past four days, according to the Greek Coast Guard.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees reported that the number of refugees in Greece this year increased compared to last year.

A report revealed that 18,594 people arrived in Greece from Turkey by land or sea as of August 31, which is almost the same number that arrived in Greece illegally in the entire last year, which amounted to 18,700 people.

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