Germany accuses two Syrian individuals of planning an attack on a church in Sweden in response to the burning of the Quran

German prosecutors accused two Syrian brothers of planning an ISIS-inspired attack on a church in Sweden due to incidents of Quran burning in the country.

SVT channel reported that the German authorities in the German city of Hamburg brought charges against the two Syrian brothers, who were arrested in a security operation last April.

According to “Expressen” newspaper, the German authorities suspect that Anas Kiwan (29 years old) was planning a terrorist attack with “extremist Islamic” motives against a church in Sweden, with the aim of “killing and wounding numerous individuals.”

It was reported that he told an unknown person at the Al-Saqri Foundation affiliated with ISIS about his plans, and that his motive for the operation was the repetitive burning of the Quran in Sweden.

The younger brother, Ahmed Kiwan (24 years old), is in turn accused of financing terrorism and preparing for a “dangerous act of violence,” after vowing to ISIS to carry out an attack. He also helped his brother obtain explosives.

During his arrest, An.K. was in possession of two kilograms of urea and acid fertilizers, and was apparently waiting to receive a bleaching agent containing a high percentage of carbamide peroxide.

Prosecutors added that using these components, the older suspect was preparing to create an explosive device, although the details of his attack plans remained vague.

As for his brother, Ah.K., he is accused of vowing to “carry out the suspected attack in the name of ISIS.”

German prosecutors believe the younger brother helped his older brother buy bomb components.

Sweden, like neighboring Denmark, has witnessed in recent months a wave of public abuse of the Quran by far-right supporters, which sparked widespread anger and condemnation in Islamic countries.

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