Increase of the Naturalization Rate in Germany, and Syrians are at the Forefront

A new report from the Federal Statistical Office of Germany has revealed a significant increase in naturalization in both Brandenburg and Berlin in 2023 compared to 2022, and that the number of people who obtained German citizenship in Brandenburg last year more than doubled compared to the year before.

According to Federal Statistical Office of Germany, the number of foreigners who have obtained citizenship reached 2,488 in 2023, with an increase of 107.9% compared to the year before. As for Berlin, the number of naturalization has reached 9,041 individual, only 166 people more than the year before, which is an increase, but at a lower rate as it is 1.9%, compared to the year before.

Syrians are at the forefront in terms of the groups obtaining German citizenship in 2023. In Berlin, 2,468 people obtained citizenship, and in Brandenburg, 1,178 are of Syrian origin. The Turks are at the second in the list, where 618 obtained citizenship in Berlin. Next in the list, come people of Iranian origin, where 353 obtained citizenship in Brandburg, and then Poles and Ukrainians next, with 171 from Poland and 142 from Ukraine obtaining German citizenship.

In both states, the majority of Syrians who obtained citizenship were males, 67.2% in Berlin and 46.1% in Brandenburg. As for the ages, the majority were less than 40 years old, while those between the ages of 30 and 40 have reached 33.2% in Berlin and 32.2% in Brandenburg. In addition, the percentage of minors under the age of 18 has also increased, with 27.3% in Berlin and 34% in Brandenburg.

Meanwhile, the length of residence prior to obtaining citizenship in the two states has also decreased, with the average length of stay in Berlin 11.6 years and shorter in Brandenburg, with 9.9 years, while the percentage of naturalized citizens who resided in Germany for less than 8 years was 33.1% in Berlin and 48.4% in Brandenburg.

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