Concern over the popularity of a far-right candidate who might become mayor in a German town

A right extremist running for the mayoralty in the town of Wittstock, Brandenburg, raises concern of the country’s political circles about extremists’ efforts to penetrate the social fabric, especially after his controversial statements about “beating foreigners.”

Right-winger Sandy Ludwig, who runs a tattoo shop, confirmed his pride in his national affiliation, stressing at the same time that he did not adopt violence against immigrants, according to his description.

Ludwig, who co-founded the banned neo-Nazi group Weiße Wölfe Terrorcrew in 1981, which led to his imprisonment, focuses his program on immigration issues, city security and youth problems, according to “Amal, Berlin” website.

Despite the fears, according to “Megazin” website, Ludwig met the requirements to run for the elections, which are scheduled to take place on September 24, along with three other candidates.

The website stated that local coalitions against extremism express their concern about this candidacy, and consider it a new alarm, of the importance of confronting the attempts of right-wing extremists to make themselves socially acceptable.

The far-right Alternative Party in Germany is witnessing an increase in its popularity. Although parts of the party are seen by experts as linked to extremist and anti-democratic circles, it won local government elections, giving it access to the levers of power for the first time.

The extreme right believes that the majority of the white Christian European population has become endangered, due to the growing arrival of Muslim and black immigrants to Europe.

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