Italy: Court Overturns Administrative Detention of SOS Humanity Rescue Ship

The civil court in Crotone, Calabria, overturned the Italian authorities’ decision to administratively detain the maritime rescue ship Humanity 1. The court also ordered the Italian authorities to pay the legal fees. Humanity 1 is operated by SOS Humanity, a German non-governmental organization focused on rescuing migrants in the Mediterranean. Notably, Judge Antonio Albinario issued…


Rights groups welcomed the ruling
London violates the Supreme Court’s decision and pledges to go forward with a plan to deport migrants to Rwanda

The British government stuck to its decision to move forward with a controversial plan to send migrants to Rwanda, despite the British Supreme Court rejecting this plan, a ruling that human rights organizations welcomed and considered a “victory” and a “major defeat” for the ruling party. The British government’s decision came shortly after the British…


Amidst welcome from human rights groups
Paris: The Administrative Court suspends a decree prohibiting the distribution of food to migrants

The French Administrative Court suspended the order banning the distribution of food in specific areas of the 10th and 19th arrondissements of the capital, Paris, about three weeks after the decree was issued. The “Utopia 56” association, the Human Rights League, and the “Union of Solidarity Activists”, which filed an appeal before the Administrative Court,…
