The German Interior Minister is again causing controversy by trying to repeal the “warning to immigrants” before their deportation

German media report that the Federal Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser, proposes in a discussion draft to abolish the guarantee in the Residence Act to warn immigrants with a toleration AKA “Duldung” before their deportation.

The “Süddeutsche Zeitung” first published another section of the minister’s controversial draft decision on deportation. According to the draft, section §60a of the Residence Act, which stipulates the obligation to warn people with a Duldung in Germany who have been living here for more than one year before they are deported, is to be deleted.

Observers point out that although the change will only consist of deleting two short sentences, its impact could be far-reaching, according to “Amal, Berlin!” website.

It is worth mentioning that at the end of 2022, about 250,000 people were living in Germany with a Duldung, and 180,000 of them had been in the country for more than three years.

Germany’s tolerant residence law, commonly referred to as “Duldung,” grants a temporary residence permit to people who are obliged to leave the country under German law..

This is not an official residence permit, but a temporary document issued by the government to those affected, that allows immigrants to stay in Germany legally until their circumstances change. The Duldung according to §60a of the Residence Act is granted in cases where deportation is temporarily not possible due to obstacles or other reasons.

This document also enables individuals to access basic services such as health care, education and job opportunities. As a result, many people living in Germany can enjoy the benefits of living in the country under this law.

The Federal Minister of the Interior had previously defended her controversial plans to facilitate the deportation of members of “criminal clans”, telling the newspaper “Rheinische Post” on 12 August: “We must consistently fight organised crime. Clan crime is a part of it. The rule of law must show its resolve here.”

The ministry’s proposals also include an extension of detention pending deportation. Currently, detention pending deportation can be ordered for up to 10 days. Faeser proposes an extension to up to 28 days. Faeser told the newspaper: “We must prevent people from fleeing before deportation, especially criminals.”

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