French opposition is pushing to drop “racist” immigration law

The French opposition said that the new draft immigration law raises concerns that tens of thousands, including 30,000 children, will be deprived of their social rights, because it contradicts the values ​​of “liberty, fraternity and equality” on which the French Republic is based, calling for the law to be withdrawn before it is presented to the Constitutional Council.

The French group “Our Public Services” published a warning note on Friday, January 19, under the title “The New Immigration Law: Social Rights at Risk.”

In this memorandum, the group composed of French public officials expressed concern about the impact of Article 19 of the new law, which threatens to deprive at least 110,000 people, including 30,000 children, of their social rights.

In a 17-page memorandum, the group denounced the activation of Article 19, which opens the door to “national preferences” affecting family benefits and housing allowances, mainly targeting the most vulnerable people and children.

The memorandum also indicated that this law conflicts with the values ​​of “liberty, equality and fraternity” that constitute the foundation of the French Republic.

In another context, the group’s spokesman warned of the worsening poverty and deteriorating living conditions, indicating that the passage of this law may lead to the families of this group falling into a state of poverty.

He also provided a vivid example of the impact of the law on children, as he explained that one in every two children will find themselves below the extreme poverty line if this law is implemented.

For his part, Nasser Al-Idrissi, President of the Association of Moroccans in France, said, “Hatred and racism are at the heart of this law. We reject it in its entirety, especially since it complicates the process of regularizing the status of foreign workers.”

He added, “Everyone knows that the labor force is scarce in Europe in general, and in France in particular. This law reduces workers’ rights, and this contradicts what the state says regarding its respect for human rights. The authorities are trying to justify the law by saying that they want to regulate immigration and reduce illegal immigrants in France. But on the contrary, this law will reduce the rights of workers, and will force them to work without access to their rights.”

It should be noted that these warnings come within the framework of the opposition campaign against the new law, as many demonstrations took to the streets in various parts of the country in protest against the reduction of social benefits for foreigners and the setting of immigration quotas.

The Constitutional Council is expected to hold a session to decide on these issues on January 25, as opponents of the law seek to pressure its withdrawal before this date.

The French Parliament finally adopted the draft immigration law on December 19, 2023, after long discussions. On January 14, thousands of people demonstrated in France to demand the “complete withdrawal” of this law.

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