Czech Republic

A huge surge in the number of asylum seekers in Germany for the third year in a row, and Syrians are at the top

January 17, 2024

The number of people who applied for asylum in Germany last year, 2023, rose to 351,915, an increase of 51.1% compared to the previous year, despite the strict measures taken by the Berlin government recently to stop the flow of refugees. The German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees said on Monday, January 9, that…

Germany announces extension of border controls with EU for at least two months

December 24, 2023

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced that her country’s border controls with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland will be extended beyond December 15 for at least two months, with the aim of reducing irregular migration. “Our measures are effective,” Faeser told the German newspaper “Rheinische Post” in statements published on Friday, December 8. “Our…

Massive wave of asylum seekers in Poland and the Czech Republic moves toward the German border

September 6, 2023

The number of immigrants and asylum seekers arriving in Germany across the Polish and Czech borders is increasing, which leads to great pressure on the border state of Saxony, especially with the rising pace of the Russian-Ukrainian war. German media reported, based on private sources from the police in the state of Saxony, that during…

German Interior Ministry: There is no need to tighten border control at the present moment

August 21, 2023

While voices came from the Christian Democrats in Germany calling for more border controls to limit the flow of refugees, the German Ministry of the Interior did not see that there was a need to discuss such a measure at the present time. The flow of refugees to Germany has increased recently due to the…