Donors’ Conference for Syria: Germany Pledges $1 Billion amid European Dispute over Refugees

Countries participating in the Donors’ Conference for Syria held in Brussels have pledged an additional $7.5 billion to help alleviate the suffering caused by the civil war. After the conference, European Union Commissioner Janez Lenarčič stated that the funds allocated for Syria consist of $5 billion in grants and $2.5 billion in loans. Germany pledged…


Human rights activists considered it a “historic failure”: The European Union reaches an agreement on reforming the immigration system

European Parliaments and European Union member states reached an agreement on reforming the immigration system after long and arduous negotiations, but human rights organizations considered that “this agreement constitutes a historic failure” and “will cause more deaths at sea.” On December 19, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen praised this “historic agreement” on the…


In response to the Italian far-right: Germany announces a halt to accepting immigrants coming from Italy

Tensions between Berlin and Rome has reached the point of Germany announcing that it will stop accepting immigrants coming from Italy, because of “great immigration pressure,” while experts attribute the reason for the recent German escalation to the policy of the extreme right ruling in Rome. Germany announced on Wednesday, September 13, that it had suspended…


It may lead to improving their conditions… seeking to sign a new refugee agreement between Turkey and Greece under German sponsorship

Greek migration Minister Dimitris Kairidis said that a new refugee agreement should be concluded between Turkey and the European Union, under German sponsorship, given Berlin’s distinguished relations with Ankara. Kairidis explained in press statements that the refugee agreement must be under Berlin’s leadership, adding: “We protect our northern borders as much as we can.” “However,…


Europe’s support for oppressive regimes contributes to the escalation of the refugee crisis, and the remedy lies in democracy.

Written by: Taha Ali   Nobody desires to depart from their place of birth and upbringing unless they encounter injustice and deprivation of human dignity. People aspire to seek out a location that honors their humanity, preserves their dignity, and fulfills their dream of living as fully realized human beings. Reports indicate that immigration rates…


Looking into the role of Frontex
Europe opens an investigation into the tragic drowning of migrants off the Greek coast

The European Union’s Rights Monitoring Authority opened an investigation into the sinking of a migrant boat off the coast of Greece on June 14, with more than 500 asylum seekers on board, resulting in hundreds of victims. The investigation deals with whether the European Border and Coast Guard Agency “Frontex” of the European Union carried…
