
Following a Swedish court’s decision to deport the Iraqi refugee “the Quran burner,” fears that he will be exposed to retaliation

February 14, 2024

The Swedish Migration Court approved the decision to deport Iraqi refugee Silwan Mumika, who burned copies of the Quran more than once in the capital, Stockholm, last year, and sparked a wave of anger in the Islamic world, but the Swedish authorities fear that he will be exposed to retaliation in Iraq, if he is…

A positive step: The second German state bans the deportation of Yazidi women and children for four months

January 14, 2024

A German state announced the suspension of the deportation of Yazidi women and children to Iraq, until next April, making it the second state to take this decision within a month, in an attempt to alleviate the fears of the Yazidis about the possibility of their deportation since the signing of the immigration agreement between…

A German state bans the deportation of Yazidi women and children to northern Iraq, and the Greens support it

January 9, 2024

A German state announced a ban on the deportation of Yazidi women and children, given that their conditions in northern Iraq are still “worrying” and they lack the necessary protection, amid political demands to ban the deportation of this group in all German states. Josephine Paul, Minister of Refugee Affairs in the state of North…

Protesting their deportation
Yazidis go on hunger strike in front of the German Bundestag

November 16, 2023

Media outlets reported that a number of Yazidi asylum seekers have been on hunger strike for a week in front of the Bundestag headquarters in the German capital, Berlin, in protest against the decisions to deport them to Iraq. “Amal, Berlin!” website said on October 17, “Many people began a hunger strike in front of…