Human rights objections against Serbia forcing Syrian migrants to return to Macedonia “almost naked” in near-freezing temperatures

  Video recordings showed semi-naked Syrian migrants forced to return to Macedonia by Serbian border guards, days after the border cooperation summit between the European Union and Serbia. Human rights organizations considered this a violation of international laws, and demanded an urgent investigation, according to media reports. The two recordings published by the Guardian, on…


Germany Aims to Limit Immigration Violations by False Paternity

Many people with a German passport break immigration law through adopting foreign children. Such cases are called by officials (false paternity), where in turn foreign children acquire German citizenship. The federal government believes that most of these cases constitute immigration law fraud, aiming to take measures to stop them. Nancy Weser, Minister of Interior, wants…


Minister of the Interior Visits Bulgarian Border Following European Parliament’s Immigration Policy Tightening

The Federal Minister of the Interior and Community, Faeser, visits the Bulgaria-Turkey border to assess the EU’s external border protection measures following the European Parliament’s adoption of stringent immigration policies. Faeser emphasizes the criticality of safeguarding external borders. The minister personally witnessed the three-meter-high fence that separates the borders of Bulgaria and Turkey. The fence…


Italy Shifts More Asylum Seeker Burden to Germany

Italy has officially decided to suspend a key agreement under the European migration policy. It has informed other governments that it will temporarily halt acceptance of the Dublin transfer regulation from European Union countries, which mandates the return of asylum seekers who first arrived in Italy. Italy cited insufficient capacity to accommodate migrants as justification…


Human rights organizations criticized it
Albania: Parliament approves an agreement on immigration with Italy

The Albanian Parliament approved an agreement with Italy regarding immigration, which will allow Rome to build two centers in the Balkan country to receive migrants and process asylum requests, while international and human rights organizations criticized it. The Albanian Constitutional Court had previously rejected an appeal by representatives from the opposition Democratic Party against the…


The decline of democracy forces them to flee… 17 Tunisian immigrants are missing off the shores of Italy

  Tunisian authorities considered at least 17 Tunisians missing after they boarded a boat to immigrate to Italy. Reuters reported, citing Tunisian authorities, that among the missing were two minor children and a woman. Those fleeing Tunisia were considered illegal immigrants, while a Tunisian activist explained that the increase in illegal immigration from Tunisia comes…


A judicial decision to consider the youth organization of the right-wing AfD party as an “extremist” movement

A state court in Germany declared that German intelligence services classified the youth organization affiliated with the far-right Alternative for Germany party as a confirmed extremist movement, after a series of angry demonstrations over a far-right plan, woven at night, and recently exposed, to expel foreigners from Germany. The Cologne Administrative Court issued the ruling…
