UK Enacts Law Permitting Deportation of Refugees to Rwanda

The British Parliament has approved legislation permitting the deportation of refugees to Rwanda. Deliberations on the law within Parliament were prolonged, primarily due to resistance from certain members regarding deportation. Under the law, Rwanda is designated as a safe third country. Following a two-month delay between the two parliamentary chambers, the law was ultimately ratified,…


Minister of the Interior Visits Bulgarian Border Following European Parliament’s Immigration Policy Tightening

The Federal Minister of the Interior and Community, Faeser, visits the Bulgaria-Turkey border to assess the EU’s external border protection measures following the European Parliament’s adoption of stringent immigration policies. Faeser emphasizes the criticality of safeguarding external borders. The minister personally witnessed the three-meter-high fence that separates the borders of Bulgaria and Turkey. The fence…


Government Coalition Reaches Consensus on Refugee Access to State Benefits via Smart Card

Finally, the dispute within the Bundestag’s government coalition over the refugee payment card has been resolved. The Democratic Party and the Free Democratic Party had been at odds for many months, with states and municipalities calling for relief in refugee care amidst hopes for reduced future asylum applications. Initially, asylum seekers received a modest cash…


Italy Shifts More Asylum Seeker Burden to Germany

Italy has officially decided to suspend a key agreement under the European migration policy. It has informed other governments that it will temporarily halt acceptance of the Dublin transfer regulation from European Union countries, which mandates the return of asylum seekers who first arrived in Italy. Italy cited insufficient capacity to accommodate migrants as justification…
