
Saxony: Deporting a Russian family Despite Church Asylum

June 4, 2024

The Lower Saxony state authority deported a Russian refugee family despite church asylum. According to the Ministry of the Interior and the State Reception Service of Saxony, the family, which consisted of a couple, an adult boy and a girl, was deported. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees had examined the personal circumstances of […]

Even though the borders are closed…
18 migrants arrested on the Finnish-Russian border

February 7, 2024

The Finnish authorities arrested 18 migrants, including women and children, on Finland’s closed land border with Russia, one week after the disappearance of 160 migrants who had applied for asylum in Finland. The Finnish border guard said the group was suspected of illegally crossing a forested area north of the Imatra border crossing and consisted […]

A thousand refugee children and youth are waiting for a seat in Berlin’s schools

January 18, 2024

Berlin’s local government announced that the capital’s schools are unable to accommodate 967 refugee children and youth in Berlin. This is considered a continuation of the crisis of shortage of available places in schools, which worsened with the massive exodus of Ukrainian refugees nearly two years ago. The Education Department of Berlin’s local government reported […]

A huge surge in the number of asylum seekers in Germany for the third year in a row, and Syrians are at the top

January 17, 2024

The number of people who applied for asylum in Germany last year, 2023, rose to 351,915, an increase of 51.1% compared to the previous year, despite the strict measures taken by the Berlin government recently to stop the flow of refugees. The German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees said on Monday, January 9, that […]

Germany rejects Ukraine’s request to return Ukrainian refugees to fight

January 2, 2024

German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann said that Ukraine’s problems in mobilizing soldiers to repel the Russian invasion will not have any practical consequences for Ukrainians living in Germany. The minister said in press statements, “We will not force people to perform compulsory military service, or military service against their will.” The minister added on December […]

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