
Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser Explores Asylum Procedures Outside the EU

June 13, 2024

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser is closely monitoring Italy’s plans to establish refugee camps in Albania and process asylum applications outside Italy. Similarly, the UK is reviewing its asylum procedures in Rwanda. Faeser told “Stern” magazine that she is keen to see the outcomes of Italy’s efforts in Albania, considering Italy’s model to be intriguing […]

Criticism against the change in Germany’s Open Policy towards Refugees

May 26, 2024

German churches have directed sharp criticism at the Christian Democratic Party over the refugees. The criticism came from refugee representatives in churches, especially the two main churches in Germany, after the party announcing its desire to include in its basic program the third-state solution policy. This means deporting asylum seekers to a third country in […]

UK Enacts Law Permitting Deportation of Refugees to Rwanda

May 12, 2024

The British Parliament has approved legislation permitting the deportation of refugees to Rwanda. Deliberations on the law within Parliament were prolonged, primarily due to resistance from certain members regarding deportation. Under the law, Rwanda is designated as a safe third country. Following a two-month delay between the two parliamentary chambers, the law was ultimately ratified, […]

Rights groups welcomed the ruling
London violates the Supreme Court’s decision and pledges to go forward with a plan to deport migrants to Rwanda

December 4, 2023

The British government stuck to its decision to move forward with a controversial plan to send migrants to Rwanda, despite the British Supreme Court rejecting this plan, a ruling that human rights organizations welcomed and considered a “victory” and a “major defeat” for the ruling party. The British government’s decision came shortly after the British […]

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