the Greens

Greens Concerned About Asylum Policy Ahead of European Elections

June 17, 2024

The Green Party presents itself in Germany as a party that opposes the shift to the right, advocates for the preservation of German democracy, and emphasizes the importance of protecting the environment. While the Greens tend to avoid discussing asylum policy, the increasing strength of right-wing parties in Europe and the more restrictive immigration policies […]

Despite Opposition from the Greens, Brandenburg Plans to Grant Asylum Seekers €50 in Cash

June 4, 2024

After approving the introduction of payment cards for asylum seekers at the level of all states, the state of Brandenburg – the 1st state to distribute payment cards – plans to decide the amount to be €50 per month for an adult and €25 for a child. This comes despite the objection from the Greens […]

Brandenburg: Criticism of Tightening Border Controls with Poland to Limit Immigration

June 4, 2024

Over the past months, the Federal Police has examined vehicles coming from Poland, causing traffic jams on the Oder Bridge in Frankfurt, as well as on the highways near Świjko and Klein Bademosl. This forces Polish health sector workers and craftsmen who come to work in Berlin and Brandenburg to move early to reach their […]

German Greens Slam EU Asylum Reforms as Burdensome for Refugees

April 25, 2024

The Greens Party in Germany voted against key points in European asylum policy on April 10. Their opposition to the proposed reforms led the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) to accuse them of driving frustrated voters towards extremist and populist parties. The reforms, which are set to be voted on before the end of April, aim […]

In its general conference
The “Greens” bases criticize the party’s positions on immigration in Germany

December 20, 2023

The Green Party’s general conference in the German city of Karlsruhe witnessed heated discussions on several issues, most notably the war in Ukraine, the situation in the Middle East, the energy crisis, and inflation rates. As for the immigration file, it was the most controversial. The head of the Green Youth Union in Germany stated […]

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