In its general conference
The “Greens” bases criticize the party’s positions on immigration in Germany

The Green Party’s general conference in the German city of Karlsruhe witnessed heated discussions on several issues, most notably the war in Ukraine, the situation in the Middle East, the energy crisis, and inflation rates. As for the immigration file, it was the most controversial.

The head of the Green Youth Union in Germany stated that she sees a widespread critical spirit prevailing among the party’s ranks regarding the asylum policy, which party leaders follow in their capacity as part of the government, according to the “Deutsche Welle” website.

Katharina Stolla, who co-chairs the Green Youth Union, said on Sunday, November 26, the last day of the Green Party conference: “There is a strong signal coming from this party conference that the party is not satisfied with the asylum policy followed by the ruling coalition, which shares the same responsibility with the Green Party.”

It is noteworthy that these measures were supported by a majority at the party conference already late on Saturday after heated discussions.

Stolla said: “We are happy that our criticism also reached the party leadership, and although we know that we cannot rely on that alone,” and pointed out that the Green Youth currently considers their mission to stir the societal mood on the issue.

She continued: “In the coming weeks, we will march with many of our allies in the streets. We will loudly oppose the shift towards the right, and we will call for solidarity with refugees.”

For her part, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock called, during the third day of her party’s conference, for readiness to reach a consensual solution regarding the planned reform of European asylum policy.

She said on Saturday: “Without a system, there will be no humanity,” noting that the Green Party assumed responsibility within the government, including negotiating in order to reach a possible agreement on asylum policy.

Baerbock added that she is convinced that “we cannot shirk this responsibility.”

It should be noted that Baerbock was subjected to strong criticism within her party last summer because of her approval of plans to reform European asylum policy, which include many stringent measures in order to limit the arrival of undesirable people to Europe.

It is planned to significantly tighten dealing with people coming from countries that fall under the classification of safe countries.

It is noteworthy that the Green Party Youth Union had submitted a request seeking to prevent ministers and leaders of the Green Party in the government and states from supporting “the introduction of other strict measures in the asylum law.”