German Chancellor Olaf Scholz congratulates Muslims on Ramadan towards more tolerance in Germany

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz delivered a televised speech to the Muslims of Germany, on the occasion of the beginning of the month of Ramadan, and in his speech, which was published by the Council of Ministers, he called for mutual tolerance in a cosmopolitan and democratic Germany. Scholz stated that he knows very well that Muslims in Germany are feeling increasing anxiety following reports about deportation plans by right extremists, whom he described as racist, which led to immigrants and refugees feeling anxious about the future, and he stressed that the government will not allow the division of the German state.

Scholz confirmed that Muslims in Germany, whether immigrants or others, belong to Germany, and Muslims belong to Germany like other Christians, Jews, followers of other religions, and those who hold other world views. The Chancellor expressed his happiness that many Muslims opened their homes at breakfast time in the evening, which is a nice gesture for peaceful coexistence.

The issue of the Middle East and the war on Gaza was not absent from Scholz’s speech. He said, “Ramadan is a time when we think of those who are suffering and living through war and violence,” and that German Muslims have friends and relatives in the Middle East, and they are worried about them, and they should know that they are not alone in their sympathy.”

Scholz also expressed his understanding of the great concern towards the suffering of the dead and kidnapped Israelis, and his concern over the number of innocent dead and wounded in Gaza. He also affirmed Germany’s position on supporting Israel’s right to defend itself against what he called terrorism, and at the same time Israel must adhere to the rules of international law and protect civilians. He also stressed that Gaza needs a large amount of aid.

Scholz called for not being led by misinformation and hateful and divisive comments, especially organized hate preachers on social media networks, and that hate preachers are not the majority in our country, and that “millions of citizens, old and young, residents of cities and villages, and people with or without an immigration history have been out on the streets for weeks for respect and cohesion.”

Scholz’s words come on the occasion of Ramadan this year, amidst a state of division due to the different positions on the war on Gaza, the rise of voices against the war, and opposing positions from the right that support Israel. This year also witnesses a state of anxiety among refugees as a result of the spread of right-wing calls for their deportation, in addition to amendments to the immigration law, which aim to reduce the number of refugees in Germany.

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