France: Complaints Over Contaminated Water for Refugees Near Dunkirk

A non-governmental organization at the Luna Plage camp near Dunkirk has raised concerns about a blue substance found in the drinking water tank, which is supplied by another NGO focused on migrants. The contaminated water has caused several refugees to fall ill with various diseases.

AFP reported, citing non-governmental organizations, that the presence of the blue substance in the water tank was detected in mid-June. The British NGO “Roots,” which assists refugees on the northern coast of France waiting to cross to the United Kingdom, confirmed that the contaminated water is provided to migrants through charitable organizations. Roots filed a complaint and submitted a sample of the liquid to the police for analysis. A volunteer at Roots mentioned that the blue substance has a chemical odor similar to that of household products.

Thomas Champion, an official from the Utopia Association, commented on the incident, stating, “It was a deliberate act, though its purpose remains unclear. However, the intention was undoubtedly to cause harm.” The organization Doctors of the World also reported a rise in diseases among migrants, particularly scabies and urinary tract infections among women, especially during the summer. They noted that migrants reduce their water consumption due to the lack of adequate toilets and the difficulty of washing and bathing properly.

According to estimates from the Peace Association, which provides meals to refugees, the camp currently houses between 300 and 400 residents. The installation of a water point in the camp by the local urban community was prompted by a volunteer strike, with improved access to water being one of the strike’s key demands. The Roots Association now fills the tank to provide water for drinking, washing, and cooking, although it does so without official authorization from the state.

This pollution incident is not an isolated case; migrants on the French coast have long struggled with access to water. In August 2023, the Calais city council removed a water tank operated by the Calais Food Collective. The organization denounced this as an attempt to obstruct humanitarian aid and characterized it as part of a broader campaign by Mayor Natasha Bouchard against refugee support activists. The association also condemned the harassment of refugees by city services, the prefecture, and the police in 2021. Additionally, a water tank was destroyed last August.

The Utopia Association underscores that access to water is a fundamental right for migrants. They recalled an incident from 2022/2023 in which two migrants drowned while attempting to wash in a canal due to a lack of clean water access. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an individual requires approximately 100 liters of water per day to meet basic needs. However, a 2022 report by non-governmental organizations revealed that migrants are currently receiving only 4.9 liters of water per day.





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