Germany: Protest Against Right-Wing Extremism Follows Arson at Refugee Shelter in Stuttgart

The Stuttgart Anti-Fascist Action Alliance organized a demonstration under the slogan “Together Against Racism” to protest far-right extremism and show solidarity with refugees. The rally was organized in response to a right-wing extremist attack on a refugee shelter in South Stuttgart two weeks prior.

A week ago, the police arrested a person who attempted to set fire to refugee accommodations on Burgsthal Street. Left-wing activists and health service providers believe that this incident represents a racist act against refugees. Despite the fact that the investigation with the suspect has not yet been completed, the call for a demonstration has spread.

The “Shining Line” refugee counseling center called for a thorough explanation from authorities, while the Counseling Center for Victims of Right-Wing Violence urged a full investigation into the incident. In a social media post, the center stated, “We demand clarity and a thorough investigation into the suspected racist motive behind the crime.”

The anti-fascist coalition has voiced concern over the incident, viewing it as clear evidence of racism. They have accused the police of overlooking previous racist remarks made by the suspect, which they believe strongly indicates that the arson attack on the refugee accommodation was racially motivated.

The Luchtlini Counseling Center, which supports residents of the neighborhood where the incident occurred, reported that many locals suspect a racist motive behind the attack. The center’s spokeswoman, Alina Krut, called for full transparency regarding the incident. According to a police statement, the fire extinguished itself without external intervention.

According to the police spokeswoman, the authorities have not ruled out any potential motives and have not instructed the media to dismiss racism as a factor. However, the Luchtlini Center disputes this. The center claims that when they spoke with the police, they were told that the incident was not considered a racist act. The police spokeswoman responded by stating, “We are still conducting the investigation, so nothing has been ruled out at this stage.

The investigation has yet to uncover any evidence of an organized background to the crime, though this may change as the inquiry progresses. The public prosecutor has called for as many witnesses as possible to come forward in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the case.

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