Fears of an Increase in the Number of Missing Minor Refugees in Europe

Data research from the International Journalists Network, which includes Radio Berlin-Brandenburg, has revealed that the number of missing minors in Europe, who are refugees, has reached 51,000, including more than 2,000 in Germany. The disappearance of young refugees occurs during the waiting period for registration, and the International Journalists Network attributed this to the European…


Minister of the Interior Visits Bulgarian Border Following European Parliament’s Immigration Policy Tightening

The Federal Minister of the Interior and Community, Faeser, visits the Bulgaria-Turkey border to assess the EU’s external border protection measures following the European Parliament’s adoption of stringent immigration policies. Faeser emphasizes the criticality of safeguarding external borders. The minister personally witnessed the three-meter-high fence that separates the borders of Bulgaria and Turkey. The fence…


A judicial decision upholds human rights… Major Italian court criminalizes the returning of migrants at the sea to Libya

Italy’s highest court of appeal ruled that it was illegal to return migrants from the sea to Libya. The ruling was welcomed by charitable organizations and human rights groups, which criticized the government for cooperating with the Libyan authorities on migration. The court upheld the conviction of the captain of the Italian tugboat (ASO 28),…


Human rights organizations criticized it
Albania: Parliament approves an agreement on immigration with Italy

The Albanian Parliament approved an agreement with Italy regarding immigration, which will allow Rome to build two centers in the Balkan country to receive migrants and process asylum requests, while international and human rights organizations criticized it. The Albanian Constitutional Court had previously rejected an appeal by representatives from the opposition Democratic Party against the…


Italian Parliament adopts an agreement allowing asylum seekers to be sent to Albania, but the opposition rejects it

Italian representatives adopted a controversial agreement with Albania to send asylum seekers who survived drowning to closed centers in Tirana while their applications are considered, ignoring with their decision the criticism of non-governmental organizations, international institutions, and the opposition. On Wednesday, February 14, representatives approved the project by a majority of 155 votes to 115…


A young Guinean immigrant committed suicide in Italy in an immigration detention center, in protest against poor conditions

The Italian authorities arrested 14 people after violent protests broke out in a pre-deportation detention center in Ponte Galleria, near the capital, Rome, in the wake of the tragic suicide of an immigrant from Guinea, while human rights powers called for the closure of “inhumane” detention centers, which they considered to be collapsing and does…


The French Constitutional Council rejects more than a third of the articles of a right-wing law on immigration

The French Constitutional Council rejected more than a third of the provisions contained in the controversial immigration bill that was adopted under pressure from the far-right, and while human rights organizations considered the ruling a “victory,” right-wing forces described it as a “coup by the judiciary.” French media reported that the texts rejected by the…


French opposition is pushing to drop “racist” immigration law

The French opposition said that the new draft immigration law raises concerns that tens of thousands, including 30,000 children, will be deprived of their social rights, because it contradicts the values ​​of “liberty, fraternity and equality” on which the French Republic is based, calling for the law to be withdrawn before it is presented to…
