Italian Parliament adopts an agreement allowing asylum seekers to be sent to Albania, but the opposition rejects it

Italian representatives adopted a controversial agreement with Albania to send asylum seekers who survived drowning to closed centers in Tirana while their applications are considered, ignoring with their decision the criticism of non-governmental organizations, international institutions, and the opposition. On Wednesday, February 14, representatives approved the project by a majority of 155 votes to 115…


A young Guinean immigrant committed suicide in Italy in an immigration detention center, in protest against poor conditions

The Italian authorities arrested 14 people after violent protests broke out in a pre-deportation detention center in Ponte Galleria, near the capital, Rome, in the wake of the tragic suicide of an immigrant from Guinea, while human rights powers called for the closure of “inhumane” detention centers, which they considered to be collapsing and does…


The decline of democracy forces them to flee… 17 Tunisian immigrants are missing off the shores of Italy

  Tunisian authorities considered at least 17 Tunisians missing after they boarded a boat to immigrate to Italy. Reuters reported, citing Tunisian authorities, that among the missing were two minor children and a woman. Those fleeing Tunisia were considered illegal immigrants, while a Tunisian activist explained that the increase in illegal immigration from Tunisia comes…


The European far-right is “reviewing” its positions on immigration due to the need for 43 million public workers

  Media outlets reported that despite the strict laws issued by European countries to obstruct the flow of immigrants, the right and extreme right are currently reviewing their positions on immigration, under pressure from businessmen, noting that the Italian Prime Minister and the Hungarian Prime Minister are allowing the reception of new immigrants after having…


Italian deportation centers use sedatives to control detained migrants

Before being expelled from Italian territory, migrants who are on Italian soil go through a period of administrative detention in pre-removal detention centres (CPR), where they are drugged and “sedated” using psychoactive agents. An investigation conducted by the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Potenza, southern Italy, revealed the living conditions of detainees in the “Palazzo San…


Human rights activists considered it a “historic failure”: The European Union reaches an agreement on reforming the immigration system

European Parliaments and European Union member states reached an agreement on reforming the immigration system after long and arduous negotiations, but human rights organizations considered that “this agreement constitutes a historic failure” and “will cause more deaths at sea.” On December 19, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen praised this “historic agreement” on the…


In cooperation with the EU
Italy launches a project to support marginalized migrants in 16 cities

Italy has launched a project to form a network between different municipalities, to provide assistance to vulnerable and socially marginalized migrants in Italian cities. The European Union is financing the project through the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, amid human rights criticism of “terrible slowdown” on the part of Rome and Milan in the process…


The Albanian opposition criticizes the government over an agreement with Italy to deport migrants to Tirana

The signing of an immigration agreement between Albania and Italy sparked widespread controversy in the Albanian capital, Tirana, as the Albanian opposition criticized Prime Minister Edi Rama and expressed its fear of a migration crisis in Albania. The agreement signed by the head of the far-right Italian government, Giorgia Meloni, and her Albanian counterpart, Edi…


France, Germany and Belgium are the worst
Study shows motherhood deprives migrant women of work in OECD countries

Two studies published by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) revealed that motherhood keeps migrant women away from the labor market in a worrying way in many countries, noting that France, Germany and Belgium are considered the worst in this regard. The two studies, which were published on Monday, October 23, shed light…


A setback for Meloni’s controversial decree
An Italian court releases 5 Tunisian immigrants and exempts them from paying a fine

A judge in the Catania court released six Tunisian immigrants who were detained under a new, controversial Italian decree, in a deportation center in Sicily, after they were unable to pay the required fine, noting that the decree violated European law. Media reported that the decree of the far-right Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, regarding…


In response to the Italian far-right: Germany announces a halt to accepting immigrants coming from Italy

Tensions between Berlin and Rome has reached the point of Germany announcing that it will stop accepting immigrants coming from Italy, because of “great immigration pressure,” while experts attribute the reason for the recent German escalation to the policy of the extreme right ruling in Rome. Germany announced on Wednesday, September 13, that it had suspended…


Europe’s support for oppressive regimes contributes to the escalation of the refugee crisis, and the remedy lies in democracy.

Written by: Taha Ali   Nobody desires to depart from their place of birth and upbringing unless they encounter injustice and deprivation of human dignity. People aspire to seek out a location that honors their humanity, preserves their dignity, and fulfills their dream of living as fully realized human beings. Reports indicate that immigration rates…
