Human rights organizations criticized it
Albania: Parliament approves an agreement on immigration with Italy

The Albanian Parliament approved an agreement with Italy regarding immigration, which will allow Rome to build two centers in the Balkan country to receive migrants and process asylum requests, while international and human rights organizations criticized it. The Albanian Constitutional Court had previously rejected an appeal by representatives from the opposition Democratic Party against the…


The decline of democracy forces them to flee… 17 Tunisian immigrants are missing off the shores of Italy

  Tunisian authorities considered at least 17 Tunisians missing after they boarded a boat to immigrate to Italy. Reuters reported, citing Tunisian authorities, that among the missing were two minor children and a woman. Those fleeing Tunisia were considered illegal immigrants, while a Tunisian activist explained that the increase in illegal immigration from Tunisia comes…


A judicial decision to consider the youth organization of the right-wing AfD party as an “extremist” movement

A state court in Germany declared that German intelligence services classified the youth organization affiliated with the far-right Alternative for Germany party as a confirmed extremist movement, after a series of angry demonstrations over a far-right plan, woven at night, and recently exposed, to expel foreigners from Germany. The Cologne Administrative Court issued the ruling…


Rights groups welcomed the ruling
London violates the Supreme Court’s decision and pledges to go forward with a plan to deport migrants to Rwanda

The British government stuck to its decision to move forward with a controversial plan to send migrants to Rwanda, despite the British Supreme Court rejecting this plan, a ruling that human rights organizations welcomed and considered a “victory” and a “major defeat” for the ruling party. The British government’s decision came shortly after the British…


Intending to seek international protection
A Syrian migrant was shot at the Polish-Belarusian border

A 23-year-old Syrian migrant was shot by a Polish soldier while trying to cross the border from Belarus, according to what non-governmental organizations in the region announced, amid human rights accusations against Polish border guards of “racism” and “aggression” toward migrants. On Sunday, November 5, the Polish Prosecutor’s Office confirmed opening an investigation into the…


French activist receives the title “Friend of Migrants” after opening an emergency accommodation center

Contrary to the prevailing trend that is hostile towards asylum seekers, French activist Cédric Herrou will open an emergency accommodation center for migrants in his home, near the Italian-French border, soon, to compensate for the absence of the French state from doing its role, according to him. Activist Cédric Herrou, who lives in a house…


Looking into the role of Frontex
Europe opens an investigation into the tragic drowning of migrants off the Greek coast

The European Union’s Rights Monitoring Authority opened an investigation into the sinking of a migrant boat off the coast of Greece on June 14, with more than 500 asylum seekers on board, resulting in hundreds of victims. The investigation deals with whether the European Border and Coast Guard Agency “Frontex” of the European Union carried…
