Despite the Rise of Radical Currents
6 European Countries are Ideal for Refugees… Sweden and Germany Come to the Forefront

By: Seif Ali In response to the emergence of far-right parties and their anti-immigrant stance, the right-wing and centrist parties in many European countries have adopted anti-immigration measures in an attempt to snatch victory from the jaws of radicals. The competition between these political currents that tighten and limit immigration has become in full swing….


Targeting Germany, Spain and Norway
Madrid announces the dismantling of a network smuggling Syrian immigrants across 3 continents

The Spanish authorities announced the dismantling of a network dedicated to smuggling Syrian refugees via a route that crosses three continents by air, sea and land, in exchange for 20 thousand euros each. The Spanish police said in a statement, Sunday, August 13, that it dismantled “in Spain the logistical structure of a criminal organization…
