According to a recent report: Barriers to enrollment of immigrant children in daycare centers in Germany

A recent report revealed that immigrant families in Germany have considerable difficulty finding a place for their children in a daycare center. In contrast, the report indicates that German children have easier access to such facilities. According to The Expert Council of German Institutions for Integration and Migration (SVR), which conducted the study, children with…


Skilled labor and employees’ shortage, between asking for more migrants and attempting to reduce them!

The German government is racing against the clock to reach immigration agreements with at least six countries, in order to prevent the deterioration of public services that suffer from a large shortage of employees, and at the same time to limit irregular migration. The negotiations include Georgia, Moldova, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan, in addition to preparations…


Amid criticism from human rights defenders
Britain: First group of asylum seekers arrives onboard the barge “Bibby Stockholm”

The British authorities transferred the first group of irregular immigrants to the “Bibby Stockholm” barge, amid condemnation by associations and organizations, which said that the barge was no suitable place for asylum seekers and survivors of war, terrorism and torture. Buses were seen arriving at the port of Portland, with people carrying bags on board,…


Concern over the popularity of a far-right candidate who might become mayor in a German town

A right extremist running for the mayoralty in the town of Wittstock, Brandenburg, raises concern of the country’s political circles about extremists’ efforts to penetrate the social fabric, especially after his controversial statements about “beating foreigners.” Right-winger Sandy Ludwig, who runs a tattoo shop, confirmed his pride in his national affiliation, stressing at the same…


Criminals are not welcome… A Syrian was arrested in Germany on suspicion of committing “crimes against humanity”

Germany announced the arrest of a Syrian national “on strong suspicion of committing war crimes against humanity in Syria” between 2012 and 2015. German prosecutors said in a statement on August 3 that the suspect identified as “Ahmad H.” worked as a local commander of the “Shabiha” militia integrated into the National Defense Militia in…


The most prominent manifestations of Islamophobia in Amsterdam… Discrimination at work, hate campaigns, and the persecution of women who wear hijab

A recent study revealed that Muslims in Amsterdam are regularly discriminated against and feel that Islamophobia is becoming increasingly normalized in society. Participants in the study gave several examples of the manifestations of discrimination against Muslims in the Dutch capital, Amsterdam, such as difficulties finding work because of their religion, the spread of hate speech…
