German police raids the headquarters of a left-wing feminist organization in Berlin because of Gaza

Media outlets reported that Berlin’s police carried out several raids targeting the headquarters of a left-wing feminist group for allegedly supporting an armed Palestinian organization, one week after an administrative court refused to fund a cultural center after it was accused of anti-Semitism. The Deutsche Welle website said that the police searched six apartments and…


Human rights activists considered it a “historic failure”: The European Union reaches an agreement on reforming the immigration system

European Parliaments and European Union member states reached an agreement on reforming the immigration system after long and arduous negotiations, but human rights organizations considered that “this agreement constitutes a historic failure” and “will cause more deaths at sea.” On December 19, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen praised this “historic agreement” on the…


355,000 irregular migrants have arrived in the EU during 2023

The year 2023 witnessed a record number of irregular migrants arriving in European Union countries, which recorded the arrival of 355,300 migrants, the highest number since 2016, while the central Mediterranean was the busiest migration route in 2023, according to data from the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders…


Germany rejects Ukraine’s request to return Ukrainian refugees to fight

German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann said that Ukraine’s problems in mobilizing soldiers to repel the Russian invasion will not have any practical consequences for Ukrainians living in Germany. The minister said in press statements, “We will not force people to perform compulsory military service, or military service against their will.” The minister added on December…
